Dr. Roger P. West
Professor Emeritus
Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering
Prof. Roger P. West, BA, BAI, PGDip Advanced Concrete Technology, PGDip Computers for Engineers, MSc, DIC, PhD, CEng FIEI, FICT, FTCD
Structural Engineering
Email: rwest@tcd.ie
h-index: 21; Google Scholar Citations: 2341
Roger P. West was, until recently, Professor of Structural Engineering and a Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland’s top university in world rankings. He retired in 2023 after 38 years working as an academic in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at Trinity. He was Director of the TrinityHaus, the construction innovation and sustainability research centre and Director of the Structural Laboratories. He was formerly a Head of Department, MSc Director and the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning in the School of Engineering. He was also recently Chair of the Irish Concrete Society during its 50th anniversary year and on the Editorial Board of the international journal, Magazine of Concrete Research. He has been a long standing member of several national committees on concrete materials standards and design codes. During his career he has had sabbaticals as a Visiting Professor in Imperial College London, Stanford University, University of New South Wales in Sydney, and at IIT Delhi, BITS Pilani and Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology in India. He has supervised over 100 postgraduate theses, published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers and delivered more than 20 keynote address on four continents. He has had fulsome teaching and research collaborations with Indian academic institutions for 15 years and is the recipient of Indian lifetime achievement awards from UKIERI and ASGSE. He is also the recipient of a Global Engagement Award from his Alma Mater. In his retirement, Prof West is currently appointed as a Professor Emeritus at Thapar Institute and remains active in Trinity as an Adjunct Professor and Fellow Emeritus.
Construction innovation, bamboo and concrete technology, ICT in construction including BIM, energy in buildings
Global Engagement Award, Trinity College Dublin, 2015 |
2015 |
Election to Knight of the Campanile, Trinity College Dublin |
2016 |
Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) |
2016 |
Best Paper Award, Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland, 2016 |
2016 |
Lifetime Achievement Award, Civil Engineering Association of Ireland |
2018 |
UKIERI Congress, Jalandhar, NIT Distinguished Academic Award for Contribution to Engineering Research and Education |
2019 |
ACSGE Lifetime Achievement Award, BITS Pilani |
2023 |
1980 |
BA, BAI: University of Dublin, Trinity College, First Class Honours |
1980 |
MIEI: Member of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
1980 |
Grad IStructE: Graduate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers |
1981 |
P.Dip. Comp. Eng.: Postgraduate Diploma in Computers for Engineers, TCD, |
1984 |
MSc, DIC: Imperial College of Science and Technology, London |
1985 |
Ceng MIEI: Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
1991 |
PhD: University of Dublin, Trinity College |
1993 |
Dip. Adv. Conc. Tech.: Diploma in Advanced Concrete Technology, Institute of Concrete Technology |
1993 |
MICT: Member of Institute of Concrete Technology, UK |
1995 |
FIEI: Fellow of Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
2016 |
FTCD: Fellow Trinity College Dublin |
2022 |
FICT: Fellow of the Institute of Concrete Technology |
Prof West has been the recipient of research funding amounting to over €2.5m (approximately Rs 20 crore) from a wide variety of sources, including European funds, state departments, private companies and individuals. He has collaborated with many main stream consultancy, construction and supplier companies in the construction industry.
1996 Michael Heelis, The stability of fully and partially embedded beam-columns in elastic Winkler foundations, Co-supervisor: Prof Milija Pavlovic, Imperial College London
1998 Lorcan O’Flannery, Strength of precast concrete beam to column connections using embedded wide steel billets
2007 Alan V. Hore, The use of ICT to re-engineer purchasing in Irish construction
2007 Ian E. Maher, The use of counter-moments for steel beam strengthening
2009 Niall Holmes, Moisture movement in concrete during drying
2009 Afaq Shoaib, Development and verification of yield surfaces for I-sections
2013 Alan M Redmond, Designing a framework for exchanging partial sets of BIM information on a cloud-based service, Co-supervisor: Dr Alan Hore, Technical University of Dublin
2013 Angharad Sweeney, Light reflectance of concrete
2014 Patrick A. Shiel, Determination of a reduced dataset to guide forecasting of energy use in commercial buildings
2014 Niall Byrne, The thermos hygrometric properties of multi-purpose historic buildings
2017 Diwakar Bhagat, Engineered bamboo structures: Development of high capacity fibre-reinforced bamboo composite structural members, Co-supervisor: Prof Suresh Bhalla, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
2018 Christopher Shiel, The thermos-hygrometric environment in cathedrals in Ireland
2021 Ahmed S Alawais, Sustainable concrete with solely re-cycled and by-product constituents
2023 Niti Saini, Assessment of indoor air quality in energy efficient residential buildings in Ireland, Co-Supervisor: Prof Patrick Shiel, Trinity College Dublin
2023 Jingran Gao, Assessing the compressive strength and elastic modulus of high performance GGBS concrete
MSc students supervised: 70 postgraduate research and taught Masters theses
Bachelors students supervised: 130 undergraduate theses
Prof West has more than 250 peer-reviewed publications. Those published in the five years from 2020 to 2024 are cited below, with those publications with Indian connections shown in bold:
Bhalla, S., Singh, A., Bhagat, D. and West, R.P., Achieving a sustainable built environment using a bamboo composite frame system with cow-dung masonry infills, Urban Lifeline, 2024, 1-17
Dervilla Niall and Roger P. West, Development of concrete facade sandwich panels incorporating phase change materials, Energies, 17, 2024, 28
PR Himasree, CA Korde, RP West and N Ganesan, Review of physio-chemical and mechanical properties of bamboo as a reinforcement in concrete, Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, 2024, 1-32
Ahmed Alawais and Roger P. West, Sustainable concrete with zero carbon footprint, Recent Progress in Materials, 6, 3, 2024, 32
M.Jabri, S.Masoumi, F.Sajadirad, R.P.West, A.Pakdel, Thermoelectric conversion in buildings, Material Today Energy, 2023
Ramanand Gupta, Shweta Goyal, Roger P. West and Maneek Kumar, Optimization of Controlled Low Strength Concrete incorporating supplementary cementitious materials, Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials, 2023
P.R. Himasree, C. Korde, R.P. West and N. Ganesan, State of the art review of bamboo reinforced concrete structural elements, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2023, 27
Niall Holmes, Mark Tyrer, Roger West, Aaron Lowe and Denis Kelliher, Using PHREEQC to model cement hydration, Construction and Building Materials, 319, 126129, 2022, 1-15
Ruchita Jani, Niall Holmes, Roger West, Kevin Gaughan, Xiaoli Liu, Esther Orisakwe, Ming Qu, Jorge Kohanoff, Lorenzo Stella, Hongxi Yin and Bartlomiej Wojciechowski, Characterisation and performance enhancement of cement-based thermoelectric materials, Polymers, 14, 2311, 2022, 19
Richard O'Hegarty, Oliver Kinnane, John Newell and Roger P. West, High performance low carbon concrete for building cladding applications, Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 2021, 13
Bhagat, D., Bhalla, S. and West, R.P., Fabrication and structural evaluation of fibre-reinforced bamboo composite beams as green structural elements, Composites Part C (Open Access), 2021
Jagoda Lipczynska, Roger P. West, Michael Grimes, Dervilla Niall, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O’Hegarty, Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with thin high performance recycled aggregate concrete wythes with fibre reinforced polymer shear connectors, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 6, 3, 2021, 187 – 196
Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Activation of Slag: Comparative study of cement, lime, Calcium Sulphate, GGBS fineness and temperature, Magazine of Concrete Research, 73, 1, 2021, 15 – 31
Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, Hollowcore slabs with alternative cementitious materials in winter conditions, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020, 1-11
Korde, Chaaruchandra, Crookshank, Matthew, and West, Roger P., Hollowcore slabs with alternative cementitious materials for summer conditions, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020
Korde, Chaaruchandra, Crookshank, Matthew, and West, Roger P., Experimental study on early age performance of pre-stressed hollow core slabs with CEM I, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020
Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Early Age activation of slag concrete for applications in hollowcore slabs, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020
Richard O'Hegarty, Oliver Kinnane, Michael Grimes, John Newell, Michael Clifford, Roger P. West, Development of thin precast sandwich panels: Challenges and outcomes, Construction and Building Materials, 12098, 2020, 26
Shiell, C. and West, R.P., Cathedrals of Ireland - a sustainability problem or an opportunity, Search Church of Ireland Journal, 2020, 218 – 227
Christopher Shiell and Roger P. West, Cathedrals in Ireland - the same but different, Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, 2020, 185 - 200
Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Activation of slag as partial replacement of cement mortar: Effects of Super fine GGBS, temperature and admixture, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 32, 7, 2020
Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, A technique for early-age strength determination and enhancement of zero slump concrete for hollowcore slab, Concrete and Building Materials, 256, 119321, 2020, 16
Oliver Kinnane, Roger P. West, Richard O'Hegarty, Structural shear performance of insulated precast concrete sandwich panels with steel plate connectors, Engineering Structures, 215, 110691, 2020, 10
Dipendu Bhunia, Roger P. West and Jaya Kumar Bhaskar, An investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete coupling beams, EMI 2024, Vienna, 2024
Hore, A., West, R.P. and McAuley, B., Accelerating BIM adoption in Ireland: A ten-year review of CitA BIM Gathering proceedings, CitA 6th BIM Gathering 2023 - Accelerating BIM adoption, Athlone, September 2023, 2023
Roger P. West and Ahmed Alawais, Truly sustainable concrete, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Sustainable |Concrete Infrastructure, Jalandhar, India, March 2023, 2023
S. Kuang, A. Hore,, A. Hassan, B. McAuley, R.P. West, Public sector BIM adoption: Development and evaluation of government policy interventions: A systematic literature review, 30th EG-ICE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, UCL, London, 2023, 531 – 538
Niti Saini, Roger P. West, Patrick Shiel, Ruth Kerrigan, Ricardo Filho and Ian Pyburn, Modelling human influences on the indoor environment in homes, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 497 - 502
Orlaith Murphy, Roger P. West, Eoin Kelly and Niti Saini, Understanding mould growth causes and solutions for A-rated homes, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 210 – 215
Méabh Childs, and Roger P. West, A solution to bamboo reinforced concretes bond problem, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 22 - 27
Roger P. West and Mark Richardson, Concrete Matters - 25 years of Concrete Research in Ireland Conferences, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 2 – 10
Erica Markey, Roger P. West and Niti Saini, Optimising heating costs in low-occupancy offices, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 573 – 578
Roger P. West and Stephen W. West, Shrinking Sports Socks and Cracking Concrete Slabs, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 544 – 548
Roger P. West, Declan O’Loughlin, Amir Pakdel, Michael Grimes and Shane Hunt, Delivering materials laboratory sessions to large classes during the pandemic, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West, 2022, 549 – 554
Roger P. West, Alan V. Hore and Barry McAuley, Digital construction and BIM research in Ireland 2016-2020, BIM Gathering 2021, Dublin, 21-23 September 2021, 2021, 8 – 21
Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West, CitA BIM Gathering 2021 - Construction Innovation for Future Generations, Dublin, CitA, 2021, 1-190
Ruth Kerrigan, Roger P. West and Patrick Shiel, Minimizing the performance gap of A-Rated Buildings while supporting high levels of user comfort, eSIM2020 - Building simulation meets building data, Vancouver, 2021
Roger P. West, David Taylor, Martin Burke and Michael Grimes, Teaching Engineering Materials through experiential learning, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 412 – 417
Barry McAuley, Roger P. West and Alan Hore, The Irish construction industry’s state of readiness for a BIM mandate, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 758 – 763
Christopher Shiell and Roger P. West, St. Mary and St. Anne Cathedral Cork - An optimum heating solution for heritage buildings?, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 389 – 394
Dervilla Niall, Roger P. West, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O'Hegarty, Modelling the thermal behaviour of a precast PCM enhanced concrete cladding panel, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 143 – 149
Niti Saini, Patrick Shiel, Roger P. West, Ruth Kerrigan and Ian Pyburn, Impact of occupancy patterns on the indoor environment of A-rated buildings, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 348 – 353
Roger P. West, and Michael A. Wride, Examining large student cohorts - a question of questions, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 406 – 411
Jagoda Lipczynska, Roger P. West, Michael Grimes, Dervilla Niall, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O’Hegarty, Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with high performance concrete thin wythes with and without Thermomass shear connectors, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 125 – 130
Ruchita Jani, Niall Holmes, Roger P. West, Kevin Gaughan, Xiaoili Liu, Esther Orisakwe, Conrad Johnston, Ming Qu, Lorenzo Stella, Jorge Kohanoff and Hongxi Yin, Characterization and performance enhancement of cement-based thermoelectric materials, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 342 – 347
Roger P. West, Alan Hore and Barry McAuley, BIM research in Irish academic institutions 2015-2020, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, 733 - 739
Roger P. West and Rosemary Byrne, A Cast of 50, Dublin, Irish Concrete Society, 2023, 1 - 123
To teach is human, Shibani Khanra Jha, Perspectives and strategies on newage education and creative learning, India, Springer Nature, 2024, 7, Roger P. West
Polystyrene Concrete, R.P. West and R. Byrne, A Cast of 50, Dublin, 2023, 84, Roger P. West
Failure modes of load-bearing sandwich panels in shear, S B Singh and S V Barai, Stability and failure of high performance composite structures, Springer Nature, 2022, 39 - 66, Oliver Kinnane, Roger P. West, Richard O'Hegarty
Composite behaviour of thin precast concrete sandwich panels, Shamsher Singh, Emerging Trends in Advanced Composite Materials in Structural Applications, Springer Nature, 2021, 1 - 28, Roger P. West and Oliver Kinnane
Alan V. Hore, Barry McAuley and Roger P. West, BIM Gathering 2023 - Accelerating BIM Adoption, Athlone, 18-20 September 2023, CitA Ltd, 2023, 1-211
Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor and Roger P West, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2022, Dublin, 25-26 August 2022, 2022, 622